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Book details
  • SubGenre:Children with Special Needs
  • Language:English
  • Pages:186
  • eBook ISBN:9781772776126

The Book on Disabilities in Twins

Relief From Abnormalities to Behavioral Issues

by Jamaca E. Willard

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Expanding your family is exciting and nerve-wracking, especially when you are expecting multiples. For families whose multiples have special needs, that anxiety can be drowned out by the news of life-altering medical diagnoses. Jamaca Willard experienced all the emotional ups and downs with her twins, and shares her family's journey in The Book on Disabilities in Twins: Relief from Abnormalities to Behavioral Issues. In every chapter, Jamaca gives insight and practical tips for managing your new reality and building memories. She also talks about the grieving process, as you let go of your expectations for your children and embrace them where they are. Her wisdom and practical examples showcase how to advocate for your children, both medically and educationally. The Book on Disabilities in Twins also taps into the realities of having children who have aged out of the system but who still need care. Jamaca is realistic in outlining the challenges that you face as a parent, while building a sense of community as she shares what her family has struggled with and overcome. With a clear-eyed approach, Jamaca gets to the heart of what it means to be a parent of multiples with special needs. The Book on Disabilities in Twins: Relief from Abnormalities to Behavioral Issues is an encouraging guide that highlights your unique position as a parent, to love and advocate for your children at every stage of their lives.
Jamaca also discusses the role of holistic approaches in managing her sons' health, providing alternatives to traditional medicine that have been effective for her family. The Book on Disabilities in Twins chronicles Jamaca's journey, letting you know that you are not alone in navigating this time in your child's life, whether they are just starting school or moving into adulthood. Jamaca also shares how she focused on advocating for her sons on the therapeutic and educational levels, thus providing tips you can put into practice as you work to find the best solutions for your family. With a focus on the beauty of life with twins, Jamaca highlights how the challenges can help you to grow personally and build meaningful relationships within your family.
About the author
Jamaca Willard is a mother, advocate, author, and caregiver for her twin sons. Ms. Willard was born and raised in New York, where she spent time in the foster care system. Her experiences led her to understand the importance of advocates for children, both those with difficult circumstances and those who have medical challenges and developmental delays, since their voices might not be loud enough to be heard. After spending a short period in the United States Army, Jamaca spent time traveling before settling in the United States, where she currently lives and raises her family. She is the mother of one daughter and twin sons. When her sons were born with a variety of medical conditions and developmental challenges, Jamaca shifted her focus to advocacy for her sons, but her work has expanded to coaching other parents who are struggling as they navigate the healthcare system and governmental programs for children with special needs. Today, Jamaca is an author, focusing her work on helping to build a community for those who are raising multiples with various developmental delays and special needs. Her goal is to help parents appreciate they are not alone, and to assist them in learning how to be the best advocates they can for their children, regardless of the challenges they face as a family.

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