Epically Awesome: How to Embrace Your Authentic Self, is one of those life-changing reads that subtly transforms you page by page, giving/gifting you inspiration, faith, and a empowering nuggets to apply daily, as you courageously take that deep-dive into your own healing, and continue your journey of 'becoming.' Epically Awesome: How to Embrace Your Authentic Self, reads like an epic poem relating an Odyssean journey through life. It is a perfect alignment in style and expression of Rookahmah's life story, and epic struggle to defend herself from her past and overcome the dangers of her present. As Rookahmah courageously lays bare intimate details of her life journey into healing, she also guides you with insight and compassion, gently holding your hand as you embark on your own journey into personal wholeness and self re-creation. The hope is that through this testimony of triumph, you too will take those necessary steps - and emerge into your Epic Awesomeness.