Welcome to the BookBaby Bookshop, the internet’s author-friendly bookstore. Here you can discover new and exciting books while directly supporting the people who write them.
We believe that independent authors should be fairly compensated for their work. Authors put thought into every single word and punctuation mark that culminates into the finished book that reaches your hands. BookBaby Bookshop was created to support those who do so much for us. A good book, after all, can be life-changing.
When you purchase a book on BookBaby Bookshop, the author earns more profit and gets paid faster than they would on other online bookstores. Our business model is based on transparency and consistency. Authors set their own price and earn 50% of every print book sale, 85% of eBook sales, and 75% of audiobook sales. Selling on BookBaby Bookshop allows authors to earn up to 3X more than they would on traditional retail sites, control their page content, and always have their book in stock.
Over the last decade, we have paid out over $30,000,000 in royalties to our authors, and we look forward to seeing that number grow in the years to come. We’re determined to be the fairest destination for independent authors to sell their books. There are no ulterior motives–authors’ interests are our interests. We’re constantly evolving and changing, but one thing remains the same, commitment to our community.
We hope you enjoy your next book, and we hope you feel good about being a part of BookBaby Bookshop.