About the author
Michelle Le Brun has been manifesting "Holy Shift! Driving Through Grief in a Vintage VW" for most of her life. She is a slinger of global libations and an author of mindful vibrations. She doesn't hold a degree in psychology or grief counseling. What she does hold is a heart that has carried loss, experienced grief and honored healing. "Holy Shift!" is real, raw, and relevant and is a lifetime thesis project that is difficult to foot note. Her experience? Tragedy and trauma at a young age. Her road map? Faith, family and friends. Her sage advice? Learn to drive a stick shift—the skills are undeniably transferable. Michelle invites you to hop in her car as she shares her family's unexpected and untimely tragic loss of her older sister. Find hope here. A spiritual compass manifested in mindful prayer that helped her family shift through loss could help you navigate uncertain roads along your journey. Think of it as a 24/7 divine road rescue that could pull you out of a ditch and get you back on the road as you manage your grief. Loss can be represented by the enormity of losing a loved one or a situational loss of a marriage, a job, or faith in humanity. As while driving, shifting is essential to moving forward; same as with grief.