About the author
Robert Brumet teaches courses in spiritual counseling, transpersonal psychology, and meditation at Unity Institute at Unity Village, Missouri. He also conducts seminars and programs on a wide variety of topics related to spiritual growth. He has presented his programs at churches and retreat centers throughout North America and the Caribbean. He is author of the popular Unity books Finding Yourself in Transition and Birthing a Greater Reality and a contributing author to New Thought for a New Millennium, also published by Unity. He has authored several articles in Unity Magazine as well as many Unity pamphlets. His lectures, seminars, radio broadcasts, books and magazine articles have impacted the lives of thousands of people.
Robert was ordained a Unity minister in 1980 and has served Unity churches in Evansville, Indiana and Overland Park, Kansas. Before entering the ministry, he was a director of systems analysis for a Michigan manufacturing firm and an adjunct professor at two colleges in western Michigan. A native of Toledo, Ohio, he received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Toledo.
In his leisure time, Robert enjoys tennis, fly-fishing, bridge, writing and meditating. He has four grown children and six grandchildren. He resides in Kansas City, Missouri.