About the author
Mary-Alice and Richard Jafolla have always used holistic teachings and spiritual principles as the core of their professional work. Mary-Alice has been a university instructor with an M.A. in humanities, and Richard has been a substance abuse counselor with an M.S. in counseling psychology. Both were teachers at Life Therapy Institute in Palm Springs, California.
They founded Spirit of Life, Inc., a nonprofit spiritual and educational organization dedicated to all aspects of wellness. In addition, they established and owned health food stores in California, Alabama, Florida and Texas.
While directors of Silent Unity in the 1990s, Mary-Alice and Richard served as executive editors of Daily Word magazine. They have authored many articles and best-selling books, including The Quest, Adventures on the Quest, The Simple Truth and Quest for Prayer. They have appeared on numerous radio and television shows, and have conducted hundreds of lectures, classes and seminars in the United States and England.
From having been contributing editors for National Greyhound Update (that's greyhound dogs, not buses!) to maintaining their current websites, golfnook.com and jafolla.com, writing continues to be a major part of the Jafollas' lives.