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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Spirituality
  • Language:English
  • Pages:263
  • eBook ISBN:9780871597946

Good Business

Putting Spiritual Principles Into Practice at Work

by Charlotte Shelton and Martha Lynn

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Morally and ethically bankrupt businesses may get the media's attention. But many organizations today are functioning at higher levels of consciousness, demonstrating as Unity founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore did, that head and heart are equally necessary in the workplace for true progress and prosperity.


As adults, we spend a significant amount of our waking lives at work. Good Business reminds us that we don't have to drop our spirituality at the office doorstep--that we can live a meaningful life all the time, even in the workplace. In fact, progress and prosperity depend on it. Editors Charlotte Shelton and Martha Lynn, along with 20 successful leaders from top organizations, define the essence of "good business," explaining how to lead with head and heart, contribute to our planet's sustainability, and develop new skills for the new millennium.

About the author

Charlotte Shelton, Ed.D., is president/CEO of Unity, an international transdenominational organization dedicated to helping people apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. She was previously Chair of the Management and Marketing Division at Rockhurst University, Kansas City, Missouri, and president of WiseWork Coaching and Consulting. She is the author of Quantum Leaps: 7 Skills for Workplace ReCreation and co-author of The NeXt Revolution: What Gen X Women Want at Work and How Their Boomer Bosses Can Help Them Get It.

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