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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Spiritual
  • Language:English
  • Pages:211
  • eBook ISBN:9780871597922

Birthing a Greater Reality

A Guide for Conscious Evolution

by Robert Brumet

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Birthing a Greater Reality shows how to release old ways of thinking, enter the ground level of your being, and emerge as a conscious co-creator of your reality.
When it feels like the end of your world, you've arrived at a point of magnificent opportunity: the possibility of transforming every dimension of your life. This book is your navigational guide for releasing old ways of thinking, entering the ground level of your being, and emerging as a conscious co-creator of your reality and an active participant in global transformation. To reach the destination--your new reality--author Robert Brumet explores where we are as a people in the evolutionary journey. Then, he takes you within to explore who you are and why you are here. When your answers are clear, and integrated with our current understanding of global evolution, you'll have a blueprint of what is yours to do. As you align your heart's deepest desires with the direction of evolution, you'll become God's hands and feet, raising global consciousness and creating the best experience of life for yourself and others.
About the author
Robert Brumet is the author of Finding Yourself in Transition and The Quest for Wholeness, both books published by Unity Books. He has authored many articles for Unity Magazine and other Unity publications. Brumet is an instructor at Unity Institute and Seminary, teaching in the areas of spiritual development, pastoral studies and counseling.

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