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Book details
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:748
  • Paperback ISBN:9781098323998


by William A. Stricklin

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This book is about crazy people. In 1872, a New York Tribune journalist, Julius Chambers, conducted an undercover investigation inside Bloomingdale Insane Asylum by having himself committed with the help of his senior editor and some of his friends. After ten days, they had him released and a series of articles was published in the New York Tribune exposing abuses of inmates. This led to a dozen patients being released who were determined to be sane. Crazy" is Dedicated to Ernest Hemingway Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) the magnificent American author, who died by suicide shortly after ECT at Mayo Clinic in July, 1961, shortly after he said to his biographer "Well, what is the sense of ruining my head and erasing my memory, which is my capital, and putting me out of business? ECT was a brilliant cure -- but we lost the patient." informal definition of 'crazy' usually means deranged people in a mental hospital. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the manual mental health professionals use now to diagnose mental disorders in the United States. Government started collecting data on mental illness as "idiocy/insanity" in the 1840 census. By 1880 the US census had expanded to seven categories: mania, melancholia, monomania, paresis, dementia, dipsomania and epilepsy. Bureau of the Census in 1917 embraced a publication called the Statistical Manual for the Use of Institutions for the Insane, separating mental illness into 22 groups. By 1942 the manual had ten editions. Published in 1952, DSM-I listed 106 disorders. With its 494 pages DSM-III in 1980 listed 265 diagnostic categories. By 1994 DSM-IV grew to 300 and DSM-5 increased the list with another 10 percent of new diagnostic categories.
I must confess I regard EST psychologic/psychiatric training as pseudoscience and truly I hold those who pocket money from TA, EST, Couples Therapy in as little esteem as I do the practitioners of frontal lobotomies, deep sleep therapy, insulin shock therapy, PTZ therapy, electroconvulsive therapy Christian Science, coffee enemas, vegetable smoothies, and "naturopath alternative medicine" in order to be "fully present"; to help their customers "to access their feelings (humanistic orientation), including anger, sadness, joy, and love"; to explore with their customers "how their lives, past, and present (psychodynamic orientation), shape the feelings they experience" and "to choose their meaning (existential orientation) in as full and creative ways as possible." Running past hippie areas of Wailuku, Maui, I saw a sign on a second floor window suggesting one can cure cancer with coffee enemas and by drinking a lot of vegetable smoothies and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). I don't buy a word of it. Appendices 1 through 10 provide a balanced presentation of prefrontal lobotomies, ECT, EST, TA and couples-therapy. A few of these "people of science" acknowledge two things: One, that while antidepressants and other treatments "work," they don't know why they work. And two, that they know very little about the human brain. Psychiatrists with a medical degree and psychologists who did not study long enough to earn one are people who deal with popular hypotheses surrounding intangible phenomena as though they are scientific fact, and their strategy for prescribing opioids and other drugs is basically throwing mud against the wall to see what sticks. Never mind what seems like a high potential to cost people their sanity and even lives. Among my acquaintances, is one annoyingly whiny, and easily able to suck the joy out of just about anything, but she comes across more as "neurotic" than anything else. She worries a lot...which is classified as an "anxiety disorder" in the psychological world. Her shrink changed her medication because another one she was taking wasn't working anymore. "Oh, well she was depressed before she took them, so it merely got worse because the medication wasn't effective for her and it continued to progress. It wasn't the new medication that caused it." She made half-hearted suicide attempts a few times, and in each one of those occurrences, it was when she had started taking antidepressants. After her last one a few years ago, it dawned on her that it was probably the new pills that were making her depressed to that extent. She stopped taking them and hasn't gone into a place that dark since. There seems to be consensus that Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT is a "safe, effective treatment" and that it "works most of the time." Yet the psychiatrists and psychologists have maybe one or two small studies that actually support that, and the studies are contradicted by other studies that show much lower rates of success. Yet they go around stating it as though it is fact. "It works 85% of the time!" Where was this ever established? They try to downplay the memory loss, making claims that it's only temporary and only involves short-term stuff. Yet anywhere on the internet where anyone is asked about their Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT, they almost invariably mention they suffered memory loss, and a large number say it was permanent. And they no longer function at the same level. Yet here we have these "professional men and women of science," who have prescribed pre-frontal lobotomies and Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT proclaiming it is awesome and magical and wonderful, and that the side effects are somehow "minimal." Do they rationalize, who would really want to remember how to speak in basic English? Who would want to remember big moments in their lives? Who would want to have the capacity to remember things someone told you a minute ago, or something you just read (if you can still read) or saw on the television?
About the author
William Albert Stricklin JD PgMP, FAI-P/P Senior Expert III LEED AC Design and Construction Bill Stricklin is a Phi Beta Kappa scholar who earned his AB with honors at the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a doctor of laws JD degree at Harvard Law School and cloak-and-dagger training at the US Army Fort Holabird Counterintelligence School for Cold War spy-craft. Military Training and Service • Life Member of the "Military Order of World Wars", • Bill received training initially at Ft. Lewis; basic infantry training at Ft. Benning, Georgia; followed by Fort Holabird, Counterintelligence Corps training; Ft. McNair, and the Pentagon • Honorable Discharge two years active service (wartime); four years of U.S. Army Reserve Professional License History • State Bar of California Attorney 036559 Active 1964-2020 • Hawai'i State Bar Association JD0962 Active 1970-2020 • Washington State Bar Association Attorney 10456 Active 1969-2020 • State of Washington General Contractor: Type I steel/concrete 1968-1970 • State of Hawai'i "B" General Contractor CT6406: 2/16/1973-4/30/1996 • State of Hawai'i Real Estate Broker 1968-2015 (currently "inactive") • State of California Real Estate Broker: Commercial, Residential 1958-1999 • Financial Consultant, Montecito Bank & Trust. Santa Barbara 1997-1998 Courts Admitted to Practice • Supreme Court of the United States • United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit • United States Tax Court • United States District Court for the Northern District of California • United States District Court, District of Hawai'i • Supreme Court of the State of California • Supreme Court of Hawai'i • Washington Supreme Court (Rule 18 reciprocity in 26 states) Bar Affiliations, Activities and Memberships • Hawai'i Bar's Model Rules Committee, rules of lawyers' conduct • Hawai'i Bar's Government Lawyers Section • Hawai'i Bar's Litigation Section • Hawai'i Bar's Natural Resources Section • Founding Charter Member Washington State Bar Association Civil Rights Section. • Active Member 2020 of Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF) 162968 • Environmental Law Section of BASF • Conference of Delegates Committee of the BASF • Ethics Committee of BASF • Member of the Race and Ethnicity Committee of BASF • Member of the Disability Rights Committee of BASF Honors Philanthropic Affiliations and Awards • Order of Golden Bear statewide unity of University of California • Chair, University of California Alumni Association, Washington DC 1960-61 • Listed National Trust for Historic Preservation Directory of Historic Preservation Lawyers • Chair, Hawai'i Advisory Committee, American Arbitration Association 1975 to 1985 • Master Mason 3° Berkeley 363 Blue Lodge 1959 • Scottish Rite 32° Mason Oakland Temple 1959 • Hawai'i Shriners Temple 1968 • Hawai'i Shriners Hospital Clown Corps • Hawai'i Opera Theater Board of Trustees • Hawai'i Ballet Board of Trustees • Natl Board of Trustees, American Arbitration Association 1990-1994 • Santa Barbara Board of Trustees, Planned Giving Chair, American Red Cross 1998-2000 • Santa Barbara Board of Trustees, Catholic Charities, 1998-2000 • Santa Barbara Board of Trustees, Cottage Hospitals, 1998-2000 • Santa Barbara All Saints Episcopal Church Board, 2000-2002 • Hawai'i's "Mediator of the Year" 1989 American Arbitration Association • Robinson Cox Visiting Fellow, Law School, University of WA (Perth) 1989 to 1990, teaching dispute resolution to the Law Society and students • Facilitated the Minister of Lands' return of Silver Plains Station Queensland to the Lama Lama People • Charter Member Founding Secretary, Hawai'i Lambda Alpha (Land Economics Honor Society) • Confrere Order of Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 2016-2020

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