YOU AND GOD explores eight key Hebrew scriptures that describe in the imperative voice how the Creator of the Universe wants humans to relate to the Almighty. Important Hebrew words in each verse are spotlighted and described in short chapters that contain the primary meaning behind each key word, they transliterated Hebrew pronunciation as well as actual Hebrew characters. Seven of the verses are from the book of Deuteronomy (DEVARIM in Hebrew) and one verse from the book of Joshua (Y'HOSHUA in Hebrew). Eight imperatives are analyzed as to both frequency in the texts as well as meaning, and these are reduced to seven in the last chapter: Love Him, Cleave to Him, Walk in His Ways, Keep His Commandments, Fear Him, Serve Him, and Listen to His Voice.
As opposed to the Creators "ways" with humankind, the focus is on how humans should best relate to their Creator as specifically revealed in Hebrew scriptures. A few related verses from the Christian New Testament are included for greater clarity where Jesus of Nazareth converses with both a scribe and a lawyer.