The Pages
in Between: A Story of Love, Life & Cocktails by Renay Jordan is a
heartwarming story of love, friendship, parenting and the adventure of two women
— Lilah and Isabel — on a journey that will make you question what you think
you know about morals, and even your faith. This is a story that explores
womanhood in the simple setting of a small town where two women decide to
follow their hearts while enjoying the simple pleasures of life. There is a lot
of cocktail consumption and pool bathing and merriment that attracts young
girls in the neighborhood. A refreshingly entertaining story that will pose
serious questions about our values and models, with a cast of compelling
characters, and plot points that make the story utterly satisfying.
This is one of the most hilarious books I have read in women's fiction and
Renay Jordan has the gift of bringing the humanity of the characters into the
story, exploring the deep layers of their hearts. The writing is beautiful,
perceptive, and it mirrors the world of the characters. The story is done in a
first-person narrative that alternates between the points of view of Lilah and
Isabel, and while it makes the story intimate, it also allows a stronger
connection with the characters. The elements of the setting are well explored,
including the social backdrop against which the narrative takes place, the
colorful locales, and beautiful descriptions of the surroundings.
The prose is enriched with intelligent and well-crafted dialogues and vivid
descriptions. And then there is the drama, spiced by the zest for life! This is
a book for readers who enjoy novels with focused scenes, a great voice, and
realism. The Pages in Between: A Story of Love, Life & Cocktails focuses on
creating an exciting adventure for readers, one of those stories that inspire
readers to cast off the burden of social mores and traditions that limit them
from pursuing their heart's desires.