Are you tired of being bound to the Wheel of Life, the endless cycle of birth, life, death? This is the Escape Plan.
A Comprehensive Ascension Guide, including the Prerequisites and the arduous journey through the Chakras, Gaia Flower of life and the World of Formation to arrive eat the Gates of Heaven.
The Blind Men and the Elephant is the story of blind men who attempt to learn what an elephant is, each touching a different part, and disagreeing on their findings. The story is akin to that of the 10,000 or so world religions, where all have a piece of the Truth, none lie, but none tell the whole truth, and through myths, tales, and stories passed down from generation to generation, tell their story as the only Truth and then twist the story to meet current world conditions.
We have lost our spiritual history over the last 4000 years (perhaps, even further back in time). In order to know the complete history and knowledge one needs to connect several religions together since none have the complete story.
This book collates, condenses, co-mingles, and reduces the multitude of world religions and beliefs to arrive at a convergence in order to obtain the minimum knowledge (gnosis) needed to achieve spiritual Balance, Escape The Wheel of Life (Reincarnation), and develop a path through the Chakra Tree of Life, the Gaia Flower of Life and the remaining Four Worlds to reunite our "Spark of Light" with the Infinite Light of the Invisible God.
If this is your first book on Spirituality, it is going to be a tough read since this book is the culmination of five previous books written by the Author. The book summarizes, in detail, the spiritual preparation work one should have previously completed. The book is akin to a thick GRE (Graduate Record Examination) Test Preparation Manual, summarizing what you learned to receive an Undergraduate Degree (i.e., Bachelor Degree), in order to obtain a Masters and PhD in the story entitled "Your Life".
Unlike the Author's previous books, where the knowledge (gnosis) fell like snow that builds up and is slowly absorbed by the Earth, this "synopsis", like a GRE Preparation Manual, is like a deluge where the receptor (mind-soul) needs to be like a sponge.
We seek knowledge (gnosis) to know our true self and purpose. And we realize knowledge must come from outside the material world, and the agent can be found within each of us – our own "Spark of the Infinite Light." We realize religions points outside oneself to a higher power for wisdom and guidance, while spirituality divorced from religion looks within. This book explores the TRUTH behind spirituality by addressing the following topics:
Four Worlds of Creation
Decoding the Sephiroths
Escaping the Wheel of Life
The Rectified Tree of Life (combines the Tree of Knowledge with the Tree of Life and fills the Abyss with knowledge to re-establish the connection between God and Man)
Soul Desires
Soul Purpose
Soul Mission
One's Destiny
Whoa are You Really
The Meaning and Reason for Life
The Path of the Soul to Liberation
What Genesis 28's reference to Jacob's Ladder really means
An Introduction to the Chakra System
The Journey through the Chakra Tree of Life (to Balance physical with spiritual). Coupled with the preparation work, one will finally escape the Wheel of Life (Reincarnation)
The journey through the Gaia Flower of Life (the Physical World)
Journey through the 7 Spheres of the Celestial Tree of life (to reach the Gate of Heaven)
Escaping the Darkness Revisited
Archangels who are assigned to assist us on our journey
The Choir of Angels who accompany us on our journey
An Appendix addressing: (1) Secrets of the Universe, (2) The True Origin of Man (the Elohim), (3) the Spiritual Wars (In Heaven, the Galactic Wars, the Pleiadian-Elohim War, the current Spiritual War on Earth), and (4) a discussion on Living in the Light While Residing in a Dark World.