To the numerous people of the opposite sex that have had many and sometimes near life shattering effects on my life, since the day of my conception.
To all of you amazing people, I dedicate this publication and its intrusion into the inner sanctuary of my soul.
I have oftimes wondered if I perhaps was the victim of my own inward self. More than likely, all male homespiens, that have been born into this world have experienced these same feelings, at one time or another, but have never been able to admit it to themselves. Why ? Maybe they will never know or understand. It took me many years of struggle to understand it. All of my experiences, weather good or bad, have led me through four marriages that resulted in five beautiful and healthy daughters. My fourth marriage, now of 36 years, has given me an additional five beautiful daughters. Although I always wanted a son, I have never regretted having my wonderful girls. I often felt as though God couldn't have trusted me with a son, but often wondered why. My last marriage to a beautiful Ethiopian, lady that is twenty five years my junior, has made me feel that I was being loved back as much as I was giving and it is terrific. One of my six sisters has said "he finally got it right"!