A young Robin couple get together, They gather twigs and other materials to build a nest high up in a nearby tree. Rosie, the female robin feels an urgency to sit on the nest. She tells Robert, her mate to go and search for food while she is nesting. He flies off in the direction of a nearby creek where foodstuffs will be ample. While he is gone, Rosie lays their very first egg together and cannot wait for him to return so she can show him their new egg. Robert returns with his mouth full of goodies for her and when he arrives at the nest, she stands up and shows him the results of their union. With is mouth full, he cannot say anything until he downloads his gatherings into Rosies mouth. He then says "WOW that is great. Did you have any troubles ? She thanks him for asking and then instructs him to now sit while she goes looking for more goodies. He does.
Soon after Rosie flies off to find more sustenance, the wind begins to blow and instantly everyone is aware of a large storm heading their way. The rain really begins to come down and the wind is blowing their tree limb back and forth. Rosie had fastened the nest to the limb with mud from the nearby creek and the rain is beginning to weaken it and the nest appears to be getting loose. Recognizing this situation, Robert becomes alarmed and flies off into a nearby bafn loft where he can keep an eye on the eggs condition. Suddenly a strong puff of wind blows again and the nest dumps the egg out into space and it begins to fall towards the earth below. In Roberts mind thought is a crucial word "splat" and he knows what is going to happen to their beautiful egg. God however was watching and He prepared a large Eucalyptus leaf filled with rain water, to pass directly under the falling egg and it landed safe within its water and then continued downstream until the leaf bumped a object under the water and caused it to dump the egg out onto a tuft of waiting grass. Rosie, having returned to the tree, sees the destroyed nest and began screaming to everyone about her egg and that it must be found. Two loyal robins sitting higher up in the tree stated that they would cover the community and collect a group of animal friends that will be more than willing to scour the surrounding areas and find the missing egg. It is found that same afternoon, returned to the repaired nest and then squeaky squirrel returns it to the nest. All ends well as the egg finally presents a beautiful naked baby robin. He stands to examine his surroundings and say " Gee, I just knew Gods world would be a great place to be in".