Paul became interested in Poetry when at the age of 13, he used to ride his bicycle down to W- Hollow in Greenup County Kentucky, about three miles from his house, and listen to poetry being read by Jesse Stuart, who later became Kentucky's Poet Laureate. Paul began writing poetry in his senior year in high school in 1955. His first work was called " A Walk in The Forest ". Before his book was published in 1999, Paul was an International Office Equipment Specialist in Ethiopia where he worked for the Department of Education for three years in Addis Ababa in 1983 til 1986. While there, he received a letter from a friend in Louisville, Ky, telling him of the death of Stuart since he had always said that Jesse was his mentor. Returning to the states, he went to W-Hollow and expressed his sympathy to Stuart's family and was given a copy of Stuart's book titled " The Green Hills". Paul also owns PAULmark Poetry Art and writes and frames on theme papers, poems that also has a piece of corresponding art for gifts. His motto is " The gift that gives again, every time it is read.". One of his poems "A concerned Heir" was written after then President Richard M. Nixon and the US had just put a man on the moon. The poem covers his city of Louisville Ky. that was having a lot of civil strife, riots and many hungry children. Nixon liked the poem and placed it in his 1970 White House book of Memoirs.