About the author
Lugenia Lynn Lightle grew up in a small town south of Columbus, Ohio and started writing stories as a youngster. Her favorite place to write was a loft over her parents' garage. Lugenia continued writing until she graduated high school then put writing aside to get married and raise a family. When her youngest daughter asked her to make up stories at bedtime, Lugenia started writing them down. Since then she has had three books published: “RUGUMA: New to America”, “Rockie Stoneshaker and the Haunted Castle”, and “Please Don’t Take My Sunshine Away”.
Lugenia will be republishing “Ruguma” as an eBook the latter part of 2014. Lugenia also has several other books in the works, including a Christmas story that is sure to touch the heart of anybody looking for a holiday miracle. Asked where she gets her inspiration, Lugenia said many of her characters come to her in her dreams.