In this second installment of The COSMIC TWINS Discover, Becka is in a year-long coma and must heal herself to become the superhero she was meant to be. With Rosalyn's help, she heals her damaged mind and discovers sisters they never knew existed. The TWINS also discover a new set of small twins with special powers and a very long history. Rosalyn must find a way to help Becka regain her mental powers while healing the world from a new virus that kills almost upon contact, or human beings may be extinguished. Through their top-secret informant, King Pine Tar, Becka and Rosalyn learn of the marine mammals that are also to be enlisted in this fight. The COSMIC TWINS are in a race against time to find the hidden threats around the world spreading this invading species, stop the virulence from destroying their oceans, and ensure the safety of all mankind.