Half-sisters Becka Skaggs and Rosalyn Fairchild are the Cosmic Twins. It is the year 2062 and the final showdown is drawing near. The Twins have discovered there are two evil forces they must conquer to finally rescue Jeffery and find their lost sister, Jennifer. Fighting the time-skipping Vladimir was bad enough, but now they have to fight a Dark Empress! Even though the Nitarae's clones, Agnes and Alethea, were created to take over Becka's life in other timelines, they join the human Twins as sister superheroes with some surprising skills of their own.
Climate change has gotten worse. There are far too many people on Earth, and humans are getting ready to move to the stars. Mining on the moon has already begun. The Earth is experiencing more floods, droughts, extreme weather, farmland destruction, and forced migrations. Countries are stressed beyond their means throughout the globe and their economies are failing. The East African Rift is active and about to rip the continent apart.
Vladimir has used this chaos as an opportunity to infest Earth with more of her microbes from Andromeda, and the Cosmic Twins Organization has called all hands-on deck to fight her. The Organization has expanded around the planet and the solar system. The Cosmic Twins, with research from Sir Jeffery Abbott, have been able to supply about 50% of Earth's food. The mightiest fortresses humans have ever known, Pacifica and Oceania, have been attacked by the Nitarae from 45 billion light years away.
Join the Cosmic Twins in their final showdown as they find a lost sister and gain final freedom from the Dark One.