SC MacAlpine lives in the Pacific Northwest and is currently working on book 3 of the COSMIC TWINS trilogy. BOOK 2 is now available as eBook and print version. Print version available on Amazon and other fine retailers. BOOK 3 is in manuscript and expected to be available early 2024.
Do you like a you like a mystery to solve, or an adventure into places unknown? As Becka and Ros gain their powers through Book 1, they Discover the more they learn, the more the mystery deepens. The TWINS discover many more things, and sisters, in book 2. In book 3, they finally discover the force behind the attempted murders on Becka and her family. If you like to discover things, the COSMIC TWINS stories are for you.
Inside the three stories, I intend to take you to places familiar and unfamiliar. You have a front row seat to watch Becka's life unravel in front of her eyes at age 4, as she explores her ability to love and be loved, while she grows into someone no one envisioned with the ability to battle forces beyond human knowledge.
In the first book, Becka is dark and angry for losing control over her life. She discovers she has a sister, Rosalyn, and a scientist father who has created a technology that has them become telepathically "enjoined" for life while she lay dying in a car accident. In spite of her fear that someone is out to kill her, Becka discovers her unquenchable desire to love, thanks to Rosalyn. After the final showdown, Becka discovered the revenge wasn't the ending she expected.
In book 2. Becka and Rosalyn are back as the COSMIC TWINS discover 'The Science of Love'. Becka is 21 and in a coma after suffering a stroke, and still learning of her love. It is greater than she ever imagined. But to find her love, she must first wake from her coma and heal her own brain-damaged mind to accept what will become her fate: be the strength and foundation of her family and heal the world. They find adventure, they find pixies, they find sisters, they find danger, they find laughter and they find love.
The COSMIC TWINS story will culminate 40 years into our future, in Book 3, as the TWINS have their final showdown as superheroes, and Becka is a grandma. Maybe. Wink.
Please enjoy! Thank you for your interest.
SC MacAlpine.