This book is the third in the Angel Warrior series, which shares the extraordinary story of Alethea of Avon, the Angel Warrior, and her adventures with Archangel Michael in the astral planes.
Written as a diary, ‘The Princess & the Pink Moon Leeches’ records Alethea’s encounters with The Emperor of the Gods, her visit to The Halls of Amenti, and her travels to a crystal city on Jupiter. Her love life takes a turn for the worse, and she throws herself into her spiritual work as the tests and quests become more and more intense. Will she win the money she needs to fulfill her dream of creating a healing sanctuary - only time will tell?
This book contains the all-new Crystal Ki Map of Consciousness, which lists spiritual attainment from Master level (950), through Planetary Princess (1750) and Saint (3500) and on to Oversoul level (10,000). The Crystal Ki Healing techniques needed to achieve these levels of spiritual development are set out in Book 1: ‘The Angel, the Witch & the Warrior’.