Packed with more exciting adventures ‘The Avatar & the Crystal Key’ is the fourth book in the Angel Warrior series, taking readers on another enlightening journey through the higher levels of consciousness and many other realms of existence, as Alethea of Avon climbs from Saint through Avatar Supreme to Rishi, on the Crystal Ki Map of Consciousness.
She undergoes many trials, much self-sacrifice and a crisis of faith. The death of her sister hits her hard, but in trying to maintain her balance and focus, whilst continuing to write. To her surprise she finds love again with someone from the past, and rediscovers her sister again in the higher realms. She is finally honoured with a crystal key that grants her rights of passage to Paradise and the higher planes.
Readers will find many clues they can incorporate into their own personal journeys, as the genuine personal attainment figures set out in Book 3, ‘The Princess & The Pink Moon Leeches’ are included here, as the story develops.