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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:118
  • eBook ISBN:9781618561695

On the Patio

A Dialogue on the Meaning of Life

by Samuel J. Mikolaski

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The Fork in the Road ...which route to take? Idealist traditions from the ancient past... Cosmic Divinity replicated within oneself... Trancendental Meditation... Far Eastern Mysticism... Self actualization? Or, the modern popular secular mentality... atheist, agnostic, or just purely the no-god pursuit of the good life... the exact copy of the Epicurean hedonism the Apostle Paul rejects? If not, why Christian faith? Why God? Perhaps it’s time for mutual recognition.
The Fork in the Road ...which route to take? Idealist traditions from the ancient past... Cosmic Divinity replicated within oneself... Trancendental Meditation... Far Eastern Mysticism... Self actualization? Or, the modern popular secular mentality... atheist, agnostic, or just purely the no-god pursuit of the good life... the exact copy of the Epicurean hedonism the Apostle Paul rejects? If not, why Christian faith? Why God? Perhaps it’s time for mutual recognition.
About the author
Professor Mikolaski, Oxford Graduate, has written extensively on theological and philosophical issues.

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