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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Science Fiction / Action & Adventure
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Sibore Books Eblox Series
  • Series Number:2
  • Pages:96
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667867397

The Great Awakening

2nd Edition

by Arthur Seymour

View author's profile page

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A sequel to EARTH WON that tells how the good people on earth fight to save those infected by a worldwide pandemic. Seymour and Ruby are married and have four children that help fight the disease that puts everyone to sleep. Learn how robots, Devyn the cat, an albino crow, a white moth, a grandmother, a boy named Martin and others help to save the world. There are poems in the story that unlock mysteries and encourage goodness. Hear the song that is used to put love back into the hearts of those that need it. To play song now click on "See Inside" at the left and then use your cell phone to click on the black QR code in the book. There are quick response barcodes in the story that show real world Internet sites linking fiction to fact. The QR codes can be changed making every reader a potential Dynamic Editor.
THE GREAT AWAKENING is a sequel to EARTH WON that takes place ten years after Seymour and Ruby get married. They now have four children and live in the palace inside a large cave on top of a mountain. There is a small village that surrounds the palace and the cave is so huge it even has gardens, a lake, and many little homes for the villagers. A terrible pandemic that puts the whole world to sleep forces the cave to go into lockdown. The people locked into the cave fight to save those infected by the worldwide pandemic. There are four GA (Gaurdian Angel) robots named Robyn, Max, Min, and Feeniks that help save the world from a Satanic evil plan. Devyn a very old cat from EARTH WON is taken into the light by a moth that is really the spirit of Glen the hero of the book EARTH WON. An albino crow, becomes a substitute for Glen and helps lead everyone in the right direction. A grandmother named Yolanda and a boy named Martin wake up the others and show them that only love can save the world. The poems in the story are necessary to help the characters unlock mysteries and encourage goodness. You can use a link in the book to hear the characters sing a song that will bring love back to cold enemy hearts. There are other quick response barcodes in the story that show real world Internet sites linking fiction to fact. The QR codes can be changed making every reader a potential Dynamic Editor. The book ends with many unanswered questions. Do not worry because as Moses the moth would say, they will all be answered "Soon".
About the author
Entrepreneur, inventor, educator, poet, and philosopher: Art studied electrical engineering at Christian Brothers University and earned his master's degree at IIT. During college, he authored one of the first patent applications on caller ID. He started his career at Motorola and was one of the first engineers to incorporate integrated circuits in color television. He later managed a group of engineers at Zenith Radio Corporation. Art launched E-Blox Inc. after 44 years of being the President of Elenco Electronics Inc. Presently, he has more than a dozen patents with a few still pending. Greek philosophy is still one of his passions. Art and his wife, Maryann, were married on August 6, 1966 and have 11 grandchildren. They both took great joy in telling stories to their grandchildren at bedtime. Art claims these memories inspire all his books. His greatest inspiration in life, however, was his wife Maryann. Maryann went into the light while holding Art's hand on the morning of 9/11/2019. She was truly Art's Ruby from his stories.

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