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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Science Fiction / Action & Adventure
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Sibore Books
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:92
  • eBook ISBN:9781098398811
  • Paperback ISBN:9781098398804

Earth Won


by Arthur Seymour

View author's profile page

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The story of how a little dog named Glen was able to change the world. The story is written for young adults and old children that enjoy Science Fiction and Fantasy. QR codes will take you through the camera on any mobile device to real world sites that are as interesting as the story. These links can be changed by the reader and the reader will become a Dynamic Editor. All dynamic editors will be added to books printed in the past, present and future. So incredible a patent is pending on this process and the method is trademarked with the name SiBoRE, Simple Books Readers Edit.
This story tells how a little dog named Glen was used by the Spirit of the earth to fight a Creature called GREED and change the world. In this book you will meet his human friends, Seymour and Ruby. They also are connected to the Spirit of the earth and have a romantic relationship that leads to marriage. You will also meet some robots, with Metatronic brains that allow them to have metaphysical capabilities. There is Robyn, Max, Min, and Feenix and they are all guardian angels sent by the Spirit of the earth. You will meet Glens best friend a cat named Devyn. Links in the book will take you to objects in the real world that are as magical as the fictional objects in the story. These links can be changed by the reader and the reader will become a Dynamic Editor. All changes by readers will be recorded in ALL books, past, present, and future through a patent pending process. So incredible, the patent pending on this process and the method is trademarked with the name SiBoRE, derived from Simple Books Readers Edit. A great teaching tool for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). The book has fiction for fun, and non-fiction for learning with the real world links.
About the author
Arthur (Art) F. Seymour—Entrepreneur, inventor, educator, and philosopher: Art studied electrical engineering at Christian Brothers University and earned his master's degree at IIT. During college, he authored one of the first patent applications on caller ID. He started his career at Motorola and was one of the first engineers to incorporate integrated circuits in color television. He later managed a group of engineers at Zenith Radio Corporation. Art launched E-Blox Inc. after forty-four years of being the President of Elenco Electronics, Inc. At present, he has more than a dozen patents with a few still pending. Greek philosophy is still one of his passions. Art and Maryann have eleven grandchildren. They both took great joy in telling stories to their grandchildren at bedtime. Art claims that these memories of storytelling, in part, inspired this book. His greatest inspiration in life, however, was his wife Maryann. Maryann went into the light while holding Art's hand on the morning of September 11, 2019.