When I was in graduate school at UMUC studying for my Master's in Information Technology: Software Engineering, I remember having to utilize wide-ranging reading sources to understand Scrum. The information was scattered and detailed in various books and articles which all stated the same or conflicting information. I wished there was one definitive book that detailed quickly the who, what, where, when, why, and how on Scrum. And here it is!
The book covers iterative and evolutionary development, agile development, key motivations for iterative development, implementing an iterative or agile method, and why projects fail. It explains what Scrum is, its emphasis, history and origins, classification, life cycle and process, roles, practices, sprints, meetings, the value of Scrum meetings, and its work products and artifacts. The book lists Scrum's values, strengths, benefits, contributions, challenges, failings, misunderstandings, and advantages and disadvantages. It provides key Scrum adoption strategies, applicability, areas where it is appropriate, managing releases, application and product focus, scaling Scrum for large projects, risk management, and recommendations.
This book is designed to help developers and students understand the Scrum method for improving collaborative productivity in app, game, software, and web development. In using Scrum developers have access to a development framework where cross-functional teams develop products or projects in an iterative and incremental approach. The concepts in this book improve new scope to the field of development when managing projects and product or application development. The Scrum method helps developers and software organizations improve their planning aspects, including requirements management, iteration development processes, and release plans as Scrum is an iterative, evolutionary, and agile development method.
This book is a concise handbook to understanding and implementing Scrum as a methodology framework in one definitive book and offers everything an app, game, software, and web engineer and/or developer needs to quickly utilize one of the most common methods in industry use. This is the definitive Scrum method handbook for developers, managers, and students as the book explains what it is, how it works, how to implement it, and why you should.
Whether you are a developer, project manager, software engineer, IT executive, or student, this book will help you quickly understand the principles and values of utilizing the Scrum methodology.