One more night to live it up, perhaps before ending it? The next thing he knows, he’s accepting drinks from a beautiful barmaid with golden blond hair who is wearing a gold cross. Pulled from his self-destructive haze by this Angelic woman, he’s led through the smoke-filled bar into a private room where everything changes. Instantly he and this Angel are nude - and ....
Little does John know how interesting his life is about to become. Memories of the past on Tobacco Road could not compare to what lies ahead of him. Mesmerized by the beauty of this barmaid, he finds his reality changing rapidly.
Now he's a part of the God Force Five - aimed at saving the world for God, and helping prepare it for the second coming of Jesus Christ, his military know-how will prove useful. He’ll also discover how different God and Jesus are from what he’d been taught his entire life. God is stern and serious just as the Bible had said, but he was also loud, laid back, humorous and full of love and surprises. Jesus is a hippie, he lives for peace and love—and the occasional field of mushrooms.
And then, there’s Angela. She’s God and Mother Nature’s daughter, strongly opinionated, and full of promise for a damaged planet and maybe even our young dying hero. Follow them on their mission to save Earth with a little help from Santa, his mischievous elves, and others along the way. See the Heavens in a whole new light through John’s eyes as they conquer evil around the world, and go against the Mr. Evil himself—Satan in Sin City - Las Vegas.