For better or worse, politics have always played an important part in New Mexico life, beginning with the first Spanish explorers and conquerors in the 16th century. New Mexico Spanish Colonial Governors Juan Bautista de Anza and Fernando de la Concha, made and maintained peace with the Comanche, in the later years of the 18th century. Mexican Governor Albino Pérez, on the other hand, was murdered by his constituents in 1837. American Territorial Governor Lew Wallace left New Mexico in favor of Turkey in the face of his inability to deal with the violence of the Lincoln County War. Judge Joab Houghton had no legal training, and it showed. Judge Kirby Benedict consumed enough alcohol that President Abe Lincoln felt compelled to comment. Texas Judge Spruce Baird attempted to singlehandedly claim most of New Mexico for the Lone Star State. Judge David Leahy was shot, but not killed, by newspaper editor Carl Magee in a Las Vegas, New Mexico, hotel lobby. This book is a sampler of New Mexico political figures beginning in 1598. Most are uniquely New Mexican.