Grounded in truth, lifted by faith, Matter of Discretion is more than a novel about a homicide investigation or military justice, circa 1974. It’s the story of Providence in friendships, souls in peril, and hope in conflicted, loving hearts.
A 5-Star Review from Readers Favorite: Move over Jethro Gibbs, Tony Dinozzo and Timothy McGee and make room for NIS Special Agent Harry Reiner!
Reviewed by Kathleen Mahoney for Arlington Catholic Herald: The who-done-it novel is an intriguing tale and also comes off as a paean to the Catholic priesthood . . . Davis hardly has scratched the surface of the wealth of material from her Quantico years. May we expect a sequel featuring Father Keith? Let's hope so.
Critiqued by BookLife Prize: "The characters are superbly rendered; they feel real and vivid . . . While there are similar books with similar plots, this one manages to be wholly original and full of unexpected turns."
Commentary from Writer's Digest: This judge in the 25th Annual WD Self-Published Book Awards did not care for the mystery/religion mix but had this to say: "There are some inspired, engaging ideas (and combinations of ideas) at work in this novel . . . the author demonstrates some fine writing in Matter of Discretion, particularly when it comes to revealing interiority and communicating character."