Lydia.. Is a Science Fiction Marvel.. And a Political Revelation. It is the Story of a Stellar Being who comes to Earth from the Stars in the Year 1981, when we are just beginning to venture out into the Cosmos. Her Assignment is to investigate and evaluate Human Consciousness. As she travels across the United States, she has extraordinary encounters with a Hopi Shaman, a Cherokee Medicine Woman, a Wicca, a Wizard, Time Travelers. Neptunian Circes, an Anasazi Ancestor and a Death Defying Tryst with a Reptilian Monster. She explores the Grand Canyon, Hopi Land, the Ozarks, Crater Lake, Desert Lands, Carlsbad Caverns, the Bermuda Triangle and bustling Cities. When Lydia returns to the Planet Athos, the High Council will convene and deliberate upon the Fate of Humankind. Lydia synergizes within Human Form and Her Adventures are Breathtaking, Poignant and Enlightening. See through the Eyes of a Star Being how we can live in Harmony and Cooperation with Mother Earth. This is an Amazing Book that Awakens Memories of Other Lives, perhaps not only on this Planet!