The Buddhist and the Mermaid.. Is a Mind-Body-Spirit Book. A literal Narration about a Hawaiian Healer who becomes a Refugee when a River of Molten Lava Covers Her Home. She must call upon Her Inherent Gifts and Re-Create a New Persona.. In order to survive the Holocaust. It's a Story that embraces Hawaiian Huna Teachings.. And reveals Virtual Realties: You'll meet a Mo'o Mermaid.. Explore a Pleiadian Star Gate.. A Pyramidal Heiau.. And a Caldera Lake with an Ancient Merkabah buried deep within its core. This is about the Divine Qualities of the Animated Spirit of God.. That Heals a Broken Heart. It's Mesmerizing and Will Touch Your Very Soul. A Masterpiece of Words and Feelings that Lifts Your Consciousness.. Reflecting Grace.. Dignity.. Courage and Acceptance. Me Ke Aloha