Being very concerned about the rapid, intentional dismantling of the United States democracy from within our government I began contemplating the crazy idea of running for president in 2020. If I ran, my campaign platform would deal strictly with "Saving our Democracy." My save our democracy campaign would be something no other candidate can offer because of their partisan ties to their political parties. Political parties are private, non-governmental organizations controlled by the big money brokers and will do anything to hold on to their political power and ability to run our government. Imagine, private organizations running our government for us. If I ran, my save our democracy campaign for president would give the American people the opportunity to take back control of the government that, we the people own, from the private political parties. My campaign would propose making critical, constitutionally approved changes to our legislative bodies and voting procedures. Those changes would equalize the power of the political parties, remove all outside money from our political system, end the contentious partisan political divide in our government and country, and place the American people back in charge of their government. If I ran, my campaign would serve all Americans equally, be ultra-patriotic, all-inclusive, one-sided, non-discriminatory, and unopposable. No patriotic American is going stand against the patriotic cause to save our democracy. As I put together my save our democracy campaign platform I started to realize that I would win the 2020 presidential election if the American voters voted to save their democracy.