This book was written with the intention of stimulating some in-depth thought, awareness, discussion and to cause debate and controversy in relation to the questionable truthfulness of man’s religions and the man created religious God mythologies. There is no doubt that this book will be banned by all religions because it challenges the truthfulness of all religions and the religions know they cannot survive when the truth becomes known. This book violates the number one religious rule that insinuates people should never question their religious teachings.
This book deals with the undisputable fact that all truth comes from things that are proven to be known while knowing that truth or reality cannot come from any imaginary fantasy-based religious concepts about invisible supernatural people, places or things. If invisible Gods or other spirits cannot be identified and proven to exist then all belief in Gods and spirits can only be imaginary concepts held within the human mind. This book examines the question, is it possible for any invisible imaginary God or other types of imaginary spirits to exist outside of the human mind?
This book identifies the clear and obvious differences between the unknown creator of life and the natural laws of creation and man’s claimed to be known religious Gods and religious laws. This book offers an in-depth discussion on the subjects of Truth, Peace, Human Rights and the Value of Human Life and how those things are all being directly affected by non-truthful imaginary God concepts. This book explains how man’s religious ideologies mold and shape the beliefs, thoughts and behavior of people and societies causing continuous discriminations, divisions, conflict and war within societies and between societies.
This book examines the natural laws of creation and explains how all people are instinctively programmed to naturally abide by those natural laws in order for people to survive and advance in a safe and Peaceful manner. This book examines the natural powers of the all powerful truth while knowing that discovering the truth is the ultimate solution to all problems and the primary component for doing all things the right way.
This book examines the natural law that states, right actions get right results and wrong actions get wrong results and how that one natural law determines how people exist together as a Human Race Community. This book takes an extensive look at why there is no Peace in this world and explains what changes are necessary for people to create a truth-based, more Peaceful and prosperous world for all people.
This book is a recommended read for any person with questions or doubts about their own religious beliefs and wanting to find the real truth and a more clear, natural and identifiable connection to the real creator of all life.