Who is Kay Gates?
Why do people call her Mom Kay?
What is her special gift?
What happened that encouraged her to embrace children and adults with the Arms of Jesus?
Where does she get her strength for long-distance travel, for hours of counseling and ministry, for the embrace and prayers with which she blesses people in churches, homes, backyards, airports, and everywhere that people encounter her in their search for love and healing?
Who guided her throughout her years of ministry?
All of these questions are answered in the pages of "God Is Alive!".
You cannot read this book and come away untouched. You cannot but become curious to meet this person who claims to convey the healing love of our God through an action as simple as an embrace.
Over the decades, the Arms of Jesus have changed lives for the better. Thousands will testify to this fact. Cardinals, priests, deacons, and holy people everywhere, especially those whose lives have been changed by the Jesus Hug will tell you that the deaf hear, that the lame walk, that the mute speak, that crippling hurt has been resolved and healed, that relationships broken by sin have been healed and rebuilt, that fears have been dispelled, that thousands have returned to the Lord, that churches are filled with joyful songs of praise.
God is Alive!
Read it in the testimonies.
Trust it in the healing.
See it as you read this remarkable story of service.
Yes, God is alive!