This may be the most Important Opinion Letter – about, A Woman's Right to Choice – in America's History.
(I am using some Capitals and long Hyphens – to emphasize and clarify the more Important Words).
This "Unprintable" A Woman's Right to Choice letter can Scientifically Prove: That, Life begins at birth.
This "Unprintable" opinion letter can also Legally Prove: A Woman's Right to Choice – over, her Own Body. A Woman's Legal Right -- to have a Legal Abortion. If, She Chooses -- to have one? (If, you don't like Abortions -- don't have one!)
A Woman's Right to Choice is -- an Impossible Mystery and an Unaswerable Question. That, No One throughout History -- has been able to Answer. Until -- Now!
After -- this "Unprintable" A Woman's Right to Choice letter is finally Printed -- as, an E-Book and a Print On Demand Book: This "Unprintable" Opinion Letter can and will Protect, Defend and Save -- Roe v. Wade -- from a new, Radical, Right-Wing Supreme Court. And, extend the Protection -- to First Breath at birth.
This "Unprintable" A Woman's Right to Choice letter can and will Change our Understanding -- of America's Legal and Constitutional Laws -- about, A woman's Right to Choice.
This "Unprintable" Opinion Letter will Change and Correct -- All of our American Legal and Constitutional Laws -- about, our unalienable Equal Rights, Freedoms, our American Democracy and our Lives in general.
And, Then -- the Whole World can Read, Learn and finally Know -- the "Unprintable Truth" -- about, A Woman's Right to Choice -- over, her Own Body.
And, Then -- This Truth shall set us all Free.