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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Biblical Studies / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:213
  • eBook ISBN:9781618422651

3:16 The Book

An Insight to God

by Jordan Shadows

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A journey through God's Bible, the King James Version, using only the 3:16's of the books which have a chapter 3 and verse 16 in them. This has given a clear Insight to God's powers to send messages to man by man His way. It is now of course man's decision to follow them. He lays out specific ways and commandments for man to follow for man's own salvation.
In this book, God expands the simple truth of salvation and heaven of man, and for 49 chapters tells man in His own way how man should live, prepare, love and accept God's plan of salvation. And if salvation is not accepted, God also forewarns of man's doom and of the eternal life with fire in hell. His way is shown with love and compassion and with the everlasting assistance by God to man.
About the author
I have led a life of trials and love, tribulations and blessing and a life full of adversities and with the love of my life. Now at this time in my life, I have given you what I have learned and experienced in this life. This non-fiction religion filled scriptured book and it's teachings has been a major part in my life. Pleasures I have had, gifts I have had, love I have had and now retitrement I am experiencing, all have led to this point in time. We all make our time and times the way we have lived our past. What I am I have created by my walk with my God. Good or bad! My love of life, it will and can be in my future, is a great adventure for me and a sharing experiment with you and my God, whom knows all about my life. He, of course, is just waiting on me to fulfill what He already knows.