About the author
Robert M. Haddad holds qualifications in law, theology, philosophy and religious education, namely, a LL.B (USyd.), Grad. Cert. in RE (Charles Sturt Uni.), Grad. Dip. Ed. (ACU), Grad. Dip. in Teacher Ed. (College of Teachers, London), AMLP (Oxon.), MA Theo. Studies (UNDA — University Medalist), MRelEd (UNDA) and a M. Phil (ACU). For his M. Phil., Robert researched the apologetical arguments of St Justin Martyr.
In addition to his studies, Robert has also authored various books, including Lord of History Series (2 volumes), The Apostles’ Creed, Law and Life, The Family and Human Life, Defend the Faith!, The Case for Christianity — St Justin Martyr’s Arguments for Religious Liberty and Judicial Justice, and Answering the Anti-Catholic Challenge (ch. 3).
From 1990-2005, Robert worked full-time at St Charbel’s College, Sydney, teaching Religion and History. He held the positions of Year Co-ordinator and Religious Education Co-ordinator concurrently for ten years and was Assistant Principal (Welfare) for six years.
From 2006-2008, Robert worked full-time as the Convener of the Catholic Chaplaincy at the University of Sydney. He was also a lecturer at the Center for Thomistic Studies for eleven years (1996-2008), teaching Apologetics, Church Fathers and Church History, as well as assisting part-time with Lumen Verum Apologetics (1996-present) and the Catholic Adult Education Centre (2010-2013).
From 2009-2012, Robert was the Director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (Sydney) and in that capacity was the chief editor of the revised Christ our Light and Life (3rd Edition) religious education K-12 curriculum used by Catholic students in state schools as well as the Gratia Series sacramental programs for children preparing for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation in the Archdiocese of Sydney. He has recently also edited a new RCIA resource for use in Catholic schools in the same Archdiocese entitled Initiate.
Currently, he is the Head of New Evangelization for the Catholic Education Office (Sydney) and lectures/tutors in Theology at the University of Notre Dame, Sydney. From time to time Robert also appears on the Telepace Television Network and Voice of Charity radio.