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About the Author

Virginia Arthur
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Author Info

Virginia Arthur was born wild. She took to exploring the wilds of her new Ohio suburban jungle by the time she was ten, launching great birding expeditions in between backhoes and bulldozers. Her bird list grew shorter in direct correlation with the number of homes growing larger such that by the time she was 12, she was a raging environmentalist, before the word even existed. This delighted her parents to no end.

She continued on this profoundly pointless and frustrating path by earning a B.S. in Field Biology and a M.S. in Botany (Ecology) only to continue the exploring, observing of a country at war with its natural self. She weaves these experiences into her novels. She has published three: her first one, Birdbrain, an eco-political fiction novel based on real life experiences, was published in 2014. She published her second one, comedic-drama literary “men's” fiction, September 2015: Phat('s) Chance for Buddha in Houston. (Or How I Spent My Summer Vacation). Treed, also eco-political fiction, was published September 2018.

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