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About the Author

Michelle Groot
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Author Info

I AM GROOT! No, not that Groot, I am Michelle Groot. I am also known as Shelly, Auntie Shelly, Mommy, Momma, Mom, Michelle and Mrs. Michelle. Auntie Shelly became an author to turn her nephew into a goblin. But not just any goblin! 

At the age of 5, Ryan survived a rare kidney cancer that immediately required a significant surgery, follow-up chemotherapy, and radiation. In the years that followed Ryan grew into an exceptional young man! Then at the age of 22  cancer returned. Ryan was diagnosed with a  very rare stage 4 metastatic melanoma. He has survived a hemoglobin of 2 (7 or below is life threatening) on more than one occasion. He jokingly called himself "The Hemo-Goblin." 

Blood transfusions saved Ryan's life and continue to help keep him alive. Ryan inspired me to share a story that is very personal, donate my blood to help save lives, organize blood drives to inspire others to donate, and when I am afraid, I can do scary things anyway.  I hope that this story, inspired by Ryan’s caring nature, will inspire those who read it, to be brave, know they can make a difference in the lives of others, and they can do scary things too!