My name is Ivette Brown and I am an educator/entrepreneur that loves helping people. Health & Fitness is my life and I enjoy inspiring others to reach their goals. I am a Doctoral Candidate, and 25-year veteran in the health and fitness industry.I have worked with the top certification and continuing education companies in the fitness industry providing subject matter expertise. Currently I am pursuing a Doctorate Degree in K-12 Education & Administration at Seton Hall University. Some of my work includes working with: Seton Hall University as a Group Fitness Instructor, Lead America as a Program Coordinator for Health & Medical Sciences Summer program at UCLA, John Hopkins, Columbia University, & DePaul University, Black Girls Rock as a Health Presenter, Shane Weight Loss Resort and Spa as a Health Presenter, YMCA as a Master Trainer, NY Sports Club as a Master Trainer, Lucille Robert's as a Group Fitness Instructor, NYC DOE as a physical education teacher, health teacher, Dance teacher, After-School Coach for Cheerleading and Basketball, NJ DOE as a research assistant for qualitative research project, Camp Shane Weight Loss Camp as a Group Fitness Director, Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance as a Youth and Teen Dance Teacher, Roosevelt Island Senior Center as a Health Educator and Dance /Fitness Teacher. Recently in 2012, I started my business @ Bodies By Brownie Wellness Institute. Since it's inception, the company has become MWBE certified and I have acquired Government Contracts to provide services and support to government programs such as the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene programs for the Family Wellness Suite, the DYCD, Department of Youth & Community Development, The Office of Labor Relations, City of New York (Mayor Bill DeBlasio) Workplace Wellness Initiative, NYC schools as a vendor for Health/Education/Nutrition/Dance offering wellness services for population's ages 4-18. I have traveled internationally to India, Italy, Cuba, Canada, Brazil, Egypt, Iceland, Spain and Puerto Rico offering wellness opportunities to students and locally in the United States. My goal is to create wellness retreats, write books and develop prevention programs for the world to improve their health and quality of life by spreading my "Be Wellness" movement as a way of living I also serve as a health consultant where my commitment to transforming urban America continues through Obesity awareness, evidence-based prevention programs, community empowerment centers and Youth Mentoring Programs.My goal is to be a Global Leader in K-12 Education through Health/Wellness opportunities around the world. How do we get students to be global citizens? Allow them to be inquisitive, intellectual, and challenging. Ask. What's your role in a global world? My career in the Wellness sector for the past 25 years has afforded me the opportunity to overcome many obstacles during my career teaching Physical Education & Health for 9 years at the NYC Department of Education. I was laid off several times during my career and decided to start my health/wellness company in 2012. I made the choice to be independent and the results have paid off! I've been inspired to make this enrichment program because I believe that young people are our future leaders and they should have access to mentorship, health and educational opportunities outside of school. As a young female I understand the challenges that this community faces as I am a proud product of the public education system! My mother has been working with the DOE for 35 years and still currently works in Brownsville Brooklyn. I grew up in Brownsville Brooklyn and have so much love for the community. This community has made me the successful women that I am today, and I don't know where I would be or who I would be without my experiences from this community. To be able to teach people and give back opportunities is an honor and a pleasure for me.