About the author
Claudia Alexander, Ph.D., studies the planets, and flies spacecraft by day, at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. By night she enters a fantasy world and re-imagines the universe. As a scientist, Dr. Alexander studies comets, the thin atmospheres surrounding icy moons such as Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, the science of the Venus ionosphere (part of the Venus atmospheric family), and ways in which Venus behaves like a comet, and more recently, the way in which the whole proto-solar nebula collapsed to form the planets. She has served as Project Manager on historic space missions to Jupiter (Galileo), comets (Rosetta), and a project leader on NASA's mission to Saturn (Cassini). She has written a number of steampunk short stories, children’s science-learning books, and a full length elf-punk novel. She is also an avid tennis fan and has written for the Bleacher Report as claudiacelestialgirl. Red Phoenix Books, her publishing arm, established in 2002, publishes the books of award-winning author, Carol Fenner, and debut author Diane Schochet.