Somebody smart once said, “That which is real, is that which never changes.”
I was just another sorry ass victim of a barbaric world where human beings are branded then labeled like dreaming herds of robotic cattle being subliminally led to the slaughterhouse to be gutted, packaged and sold to the highest bidder. On this planet you’ve either got it or you don’t, you’re the beater or the beaten. I’ve learned a valuable lesson this past year. I’ve learned that regardless of my frail and undesirable body I possessed a massive power that lay dormant inside this odd little boy. A power fueled by something I could only imagine as the birthplace of darkness. It’s that black energy that numbs all pain and cultivates an unearthly confidence and a callus cool. This darkly hypnotic healing force picks you up, and gives you the wings of raw sensibility.
I’m willing to bet that everyone possesses this haunting blackness obscured deep down in the darkest crevices of their souls waiting patiently for that one explosive, monumental instant of fertilization that awakens the monster within. I am Kanaan James, Kanaan with a K, and this is my story, this is my song.