About the author
William (Bill) DeVlieger came to the Anishinabe Ojibway people as a student at Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin, where he received instruction in Native American Studies from tribal elders. Bill developed close friendships with Anishinabe Ojibway elders, teachers, activists, holy people, and people just living life, who taught him to think about the world in new ways. Learning about the Seventh Fire Prophecy, Bill identified and was accepted as one of the New People prophesized to lead humanity down the natural path to peace and sustainability. He attended native ceremonies, participating in talking circles, sweat lodges, shaking tents, and ceremonies at the Three Fires Midewiwin Grand Medicine Lodge, and participated in several environmental battles, fighting alongside the Anishinabe Ogitchida Warrior Society to protect the sacred lands and resources of the Northwoods. The author describes himself as one of the New People, a Seventh Fire Storyteller, a Celtic Druid, and a son of Mother Earth. He lives in Warren, Pennsylvania, with his wife and son, a dog, and four cats.