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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Personal Growth / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:134
  • eBook ISBN:9781626751699


Discover Your Own Flight Pattern

by Shannon M. Tobin

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One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else. You don’t have to settle! It’s simply a choice you make every day,” Shannon says. Her life looked perfect from the outside – great career, family, house, etc – but inside she was an empty shell. A marriage in trouble and no personal growth plan in place, Shannon struggled to survive each day. When the pain of remaining the same became greater than the pain of change, she realized that the first step to living the life she wanted meant leaving the life she didn’t want. This lead her to the decision to end her marriage and begin her journey of self discovery “When we let go of what is no longer serving and supporting us, we will make room for what will. And like the caterpillar climbing out of its cocoon, it is a worthwhile trip”. Shannon transformed into a butterfly, after struggling through the painful stages and has now stepped fully and completely into her new self. Through her own personal experiences, she’s now able to help others break the mold of conformity and discover their own flight patterns . “It serves no one for you to hold back and not bring to the world all that you have to offer” she says.
As someone who has discovered her own flight pattern, I want to share this experience with others. I have chosen to donate the profits from my book - Transformation - to support funding for the Dare To Be You Foundation, which will support two main causes near and dear to my heart: 1- To provide scholarships to underprivileged teenage boys and girls to attend workshops on how to discover their own flight patterns. I'm passionate about building a strong foundation for our youth and to help young people discover their strengths, their skills, their talents and what makes them happy. Often young people are left adrift in modern society with no real guidance to discover their own talents and skills. They sometimes have no outlet to learn about themselves or their passion. 2- To put my book in the hands of every woman who enters a shelter (for abused women) in North America. I believe that if a woman discovers her own self-worth and understands that if someone hurts her, abandons her or betrays her, it says nothing about her worth and everything about the other person's character. Thank you for supporting a dream by contributing to make this vision and dream a reality. Together we can make this foundation a success and help others discover their own flight patterns! To find out more, please visit http://www.shannonmtobin.com
About the author
“One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that's trying to make you like everyone else. You don't have to settle! It's simply a choice you make every day," Shannon says. Her life looked perfect from the outside - great career, family, house, etc - but inside she was an empty shell. A marriage in trouble and no personal growth plan in place, Shannon struggled to survive each day. When the pain of remaining the same became greater than the pain of change, she realized that the first step to living the life she wanted meant leaving the life she didn't want. This lead her to the decision to end her marriage and begin her journey of self-discovery. "When we let go of what is no longer serving and supporting us, we will make room for what will. And like the caterpillar climbing out of its cocoon, it is a worthwhile trip". Shannon went from merely surviving each day to thriving by discovering her occuPASSION which she now wants to pass on to others by sharing her story with you.