The Wizard of Zee has traveled all the way from the ancient continent of Laurasia to settle in Gondwanaland to the South. It takes place 150 million years ago. he lives in the valley of Zam, deep in the wilderness. One morning an 11 year old boy, Demki, has ventured into this wilderness from the comfort zone of his family, who live in the far away stone city of Zaborah. He strays onto the Wizard's verandah and a new and wonderful world opens up to him. The Wizard is soon to host the Spring Equinox Congress of Shamans. A concert is being prepared for this. Spideroptimis and family are rehearsing the music, using their webs as harps. Elephants, hippos and even squirrels join in with their various instruments. At this Congress it is revealed that Bogaar, the mutant buffalo, from Vulcana is planning an invasion of the whole continent. he is busy training giant dragon-flies to help with the aerial assault. However Mhondoro, the lion man, with Shumba the lion and Kubulu, the chameleon, hatch a plan to fight war with peace. As part of this strategy Demki and his friends are dispatched northwards to Vulcana. Their job is to landscape Vulcana with special species of orchid. The attempted invasion takes place on the Summer Solstice. Demki returns to his home in the stone city of Zaborah and often returns to the Valley of Zam. There he enjoys being part of Nature. On his 12th birthday the fireflies come after sunset and present him with a birthday greeting in the air with their little lights. It has been predicted that Gondwanaland is about to disappear as the tectonic plates shift. India, Arabia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica .will go global and leave Africa alone. But now Demki has learnt how to cope any such event, because he has learnt how to be himself.