Kerry Gans is the author of novels, short stories, and two family history books. She is a chocoholic theater geek, believes libraries are magic, and considers Chincoteague Island her perfect writing retreat. When not writing, she haunts cemeteries and dusty archives in search of long-dead ancestors and pursues her most important work-in-progress, her daughter. Kerry's publications include the novels The Witch of Zal (The Goose's Quill Press) and The Curse of the Pharaoh's Stone (The Goose's Quill Press), the short stories To Light and Guard (Bewildering Stories magazine) and Dying Breath (Youth Imagination magazine), the poem The Towers Stood (World Healing, World Peace 2014 Poetry Anthology), and two genealogy reference books: The Warren Family of Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and their Ancestors (Goose's Quill Press) and The Campbell Family of New York City, New York, and their Ancestors (Goose's Quill Press). For more information on Kerry and updates on her projects, go to