Short stories from a from a wise observer of human nature. Stories include Appalachian tales of family and community, suburban humor of picking out Mother's Day presents, a Who-Done-It with a lady sheriff solving the crime and porcine humor— from an encounter with a flying pig to getting a stray piglet tipsy! Characters are wise, clueless, young, old, eager and reluctant. Clever and delicious, tender and thoughtful, read these aloud or enjoy the wisdom and humor alone.
In Praise of The Welcome Home Door
“A rich life and a way with words make this collection of stories by Richard Rouse a thoroughly enjoyable companion for a winter evening. You may need to laugh out loud or hold your breath for a gripping ride, but you will be entertained. A taste of Appalachia but not what you expect!”
-Jeff Sebens, musician and luthier
“Richard Rouse is a master storyteller. He uses humor, telling details, and his keen observations of the people and places he loves, to make characters and setting appear in our minds. His instinctive understanding of pacing makes us hang on to every word, and to be satisfied at the endings. But probably the most important tool in Richard’s writing toolbox is his gentle heart, that is the scaffolding upon which everything he builds is steadied and strengthened.”
-D. T. Clark, author, teacher, journalist
“Rouse's writing is comfort food for the soul. He writes nostalgia that would make Norman Rockwell jealous. His word-smithing is memorable. He is a bit of O'Henry and a dash Garrison Keillor. My recommendation is unqualified, earnest, and passionate."
-Kenny Chumbley, MA, MDiv, minister, author, publisher
“Richard Rouse's stories sparkle with thoughtful descriptions and homespun charm. His writing is clear and lucid, and you will be immensely entertained as each story unfolds with drama and intrigue. A great read!”
-Kabir Sehgal, New York Times bestselling author
“A big cheer for Richard Rouse! He is one of those natural storytellers who carries on the tradition of Mark Twain, Eudora Welty and Maya Angelou! Reading his stories takes the lucky readers on a highly entertaining trip through mountains, a harrowing tropical flight and a journey through the landscape of domestic negotiations. Rouse’s story teller voice is as true as the notes of a mockingbird singing at daybreak!”
-Dusty J Miller, author of the Alice Ott Mystery series
“Richard Rouse combines the folksy flavor of ordinary people with universal truths about who we are as human beings and what it takes to get us there. His stories are told with wry wit and good humor while exposing an unabashed reverence for life. This book is a delightful read, sure to lift the spirit.”
-Karen Johnson, Poet, Guilford Poets' Guild, Ridgeline Writers