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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Spiritual
  • Language:English
  • Pages:124
  • eBook ISBN:9781667810614
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667810607

The Secret Life Of Memories

You Make your Memories, And They Can Be Gentle or Vicious

by Michael Milo Faff

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What do you think memories are? Are they real physical things, like little marbles rolling around in your head? Are they energy systems? How can we define them? Memories have a secret life that you will never know. Memories are profoundly influential in determining who you are. Yet, no one knows where memories are stored. In this life-changing book, author Michael Faff takes readers on a fascinating exploration of memories as he examines what they are, how they influence your life, and how you can change them.
What do you think memories are? Are they real physical things, like little marbles rolling around in your head? Are they energy systems? How can we define them? Memories have a secret life that you will never know. Memories are profoundly influential in determining who you are. Yet, no one knows where memories are stored. In this life-changing book, author Michael Faff takes readers on a fascinating exploration of memories as he examines what they are, how they influence your life, and how you can change them. What is one of the secrets of memories? Are you ready for a shock before even reading the first page? Well, memories are not real; that's it. This may have caught you off guard because we are programmed to believe memories are real things and depict real past events. Memories are not what you think they are. We relate remembering to knowledge, and the more you can remember, the more important and intelligent you are assumed to be. If memories are not real, what are they? They are constructions. They are creations. They are interpretations you make from each event you experience. Since memories are not real, can you change them? The short answer is – since you made them, you can change them. If you change a memory, are you changing the past? With that question, we have crossed over into a brave new world for most. Again the short answer is there is no past to change. History is the cornerstone of the illusion and is made of only unreal memories of things that never happen the way you think they did. Holding on to your negative memories imprisons you in the past, and you can never get free. The solution is to heal your past and to let go of what was never what you thought it was. Memories are not real, and there is no past. What an exciting time we are going to have.
About the author

Michael Faff holds a Master of Art in Humanistic and Clinical Psychology. He specializes in mental health, substance abuse, couples therapy, and pain management. He also is a certified medical hypnotherapist and is a Reiki II practitioner. He is fascinated by how quickly using some alternative modalities supports clients in change, growth, and healing. Michael's undergraduate degree is in electrical engineering, and he retired after 30 years working at General Motors truck division in Pontiac, Michigan. After retiring at age 63, he went back to college and earned a master's degree in Humanistic and Clinical Psychology. He currently enjoys his outpatient practice, holding discussion groups, writing, and making videos for his YouTube channel "Mike Faff - Living in the illusion." His writing muse is A Course In Miracles.

** View Mike's YouTube Channel - "Mike Faff - Living in the Illusion." He has over 60 videos relationing to mental health, forgiveness, and memories. **

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