About Michael Milo Faff Mike is a Client-Centered Psychologist, Speaker, and Author. He also is a Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Reiki II practitioner, and he has added many alternative modalities to his practice, using them when appropriate. He came into the field of psychology after retiring from over thirty years in the automotive industry as an engineer with General Motors. At 63 years old, he went back to college to get his master's degree in psychology. So when he saw his first clients, they assumed he had years of experience of being a therapist because he looked old. When they asked questions for which he had no idea how to answer, he would say, "We will discuss that next session." Then go home and research the question. From the research, he would write a paper or little booklet and give it to the client. Sometimes they would bring the booklets back marked up with all the things dyslexic's do when they write because he is dyslexic. Those little booklets were the starting point for writing books. Even though writing has never come easy for him, there was a compulsion to put his ideas in writing. All these ideas were just running around inside of him, looking for a place to light, and so year by year, he kept writing and rewriting and adding and deleting to those little booklets. Then technology came to rescue him. He could write something down on the computer and have it read back to him. The beauty and wonder of that is this; he could hear his writing errors and correct most of them. Mike uses personal experience, ancient wisdom, and A Course in Miracles as his muse for writing. His latest book, Escaping The Illusion, combines those little booklets, a brief look into quantum physics, and A Course in Miracles. In Escaping the Illusion, he explores the illusion we live in and how to escape it and presents a different understanding of our world. Mike also has a YouTube Channel, "Living in the Illusion," where he presents his ideas.
** View Mike's YouTube Channel - "Mike Faff - Living in the Illusion." He has over 60 videos relationing to mental health, forgiveness, and memories. **