"The Past Catches" is an enthralling superhero crime thriller with filled with politics, revenge, and suspense throughout. Ben Marcus is the greatest hero the world has ever seen, but he also has a dark past that has come to haunt him. In this exciting and action-packed book, Ben must confront his past and come to terms with the damage his actions have caused. He is painfully reminded that the past, no matter how buried it seems, will always catch you later in life.
Long since Ben's deadly confrontation with the maniac Orson Johnson, he has let go of the morals that had made him weak. Without those lost values to hold him back, Ben has become a far more effective hero than ever before, even if the people don't want him to be.
Armed with the amazing abilities of flight, super strength, abnormal speed, and a near limitless healing factor, Ben must now face his greatest adversary yet – a terrorist with unexplained connections to Ben, and he's not alone. Over years, he has been collecting victims of Ben's heroics, and grooming them into an army with Ben in their crosshairs. The mysterious attacker's identity and his connections to Ben are completely unknown. In this compelling story, Ben must look to the past to solve the problems of the present. Get ready for a thrilling superhero adventure that reminds us to never overlook the ghosts of the past!