About the author
I was born into the
Roman Catholic faith, and not aware of what a personal relationship with Jesus Christ meant. I just followed the teachings of the priests and attended mass and every week went to confession every Saturday night to have my sins forgiven. I wondered how the priest knew how many Hail Mary's and Our Fathers I had to say to have my sins forgiven, and what gave him the power to forgive my sins?
Then came the TRUTH! On April 3rd, 1994 I heard a message, that if I admit to being a sinner and repent, which means turn from all my sins, you know like lying, stealing, looking with lust just to name a few, and place my trust in Jesus the Christ alone, that I would be forgiven because of what Jesus did for me on the cross.
To learn more got to my webpage: www.tillthenetsrfull.org